<VV> 64 Engine in 65 / Oil leaks

Frank DuVal corvairduval at cox.net
Sat Mar 24 13:06:32 EST 2007

I agree with Matt.

I have never painted a set of pushrod tubes. Never had time!  Vitons 
last a long time on bare metal tubes.

Who's gonna look at the nicely painted tubes? The mice living there?

Frank DuVal

TimogensTurbo at aol.com wrote:

>In a message dated 3/23/2007 10:26:50 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 
>bars84crx at hotmail.com writes:
>>1/2 of the drain tubes move - can't feel any o-rings at all - 
>>pure metal to metal.  
>> Just wish I had some painted push rod tubes ready.
>Normally the tubes are  STUCK  tight  when aged and having cooked "O-rings" [ 
>original Buna-M's]
>Hope you don't find what a few have...  someone's reamed the holes in the 
>head and block!  WHY??  no ones ever figured out why..
>Painted PR  tubes.......old wives tale..her name is Richard F.  !!!    New 
>oils..no need to worry about cooking the oil!
>Besides..if you do the job right..you'll never be under there again!!!  LOL!!
>Matt Nall...west coast
>lots of info!

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