<VV> It's out of hibernation...
Dennis & Debbie PLEAU
ddpleau at msn.com
Sat Mar 17 13:06:56 EST 2007
I got my Greenbrier out for the spring this morning. It gave a good fight
but now it's running. First, the battery was dead, so I jumped it off the
Exploder. I turned on the auxiliary electric pump (normally use the
mechanical but the PO installed an electric to fill the carbs after it sits
for a long time) and after few minutes tried to crank it over. It turned a
little way and stopped dead. I backed up the engine with a wrench on the
crank and it turned easy. Tried to go forward and it was like hitting a
wall. I figured it was hydrolocked, so backed the engine off two
revolutions and then it would rotate forward. Gas started dripping out the
exhaust on the drivers side. I whacked the carb on that side with the
handle of a screwdriver to free up the float. Moved the Exploder from
behind that glass pack, just in case any remaining gas decided to light off
when it started. Did I mention, when you start my Exploder, the doors lock
, so it was running behind the van with the doors locked and Debbie was in
town. After I disconnected the jumper cables, I closed hood on the
Exploder. I then promptly stalled the Brier. Fifteen minutes later, Debbie
got home with her keys so I could unlock the Exploder open the hood jump
the van again. I took it on a five mile drive and now it is in the
driveway, with the tires all pumped up and connected to the battery charger.
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