<VV> 2 ways for Fires

D. Barry Ellison bars84crx at hotmail.com
Mon Jun 11 10:29:35 EDT 2007

I propose they're more prone to fires now than when built.  It seems my 
brother sees several Corvairs each year for fires either under it or under 
the dash.  40+ years of wires rubbing together can easily cause problems.

The other way a corvair can easily start a fire?  Blow a belt on the 
highway, not notice the gen light for several miles due to the glare, and 
pull off onto the grassy shoulder....with unshrouded headers.  Don't ask me 
how I know.

Barry in SC
2 lates both daily drivers, 2 early projects

>Apparently he remembers the Corvair as a car that caught on fire.  I assume 
>it was because of the hotter engine/oil leak issue.  What were the most 
>common areas that the engine leaked from?  What does

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