<VV> Turkey Roaster Secret

Dave Ziegler dziegler3 at comcast.net
Tue Jul 17 23:06:19 EDT 2007

Also remove the choke rods.
Dave.. .
On Jul 17, 2007, at 9:17 PM, Bryan Blackwell wrote:

> I just took one off.  I took off the accelerator rod and flipped the  
> idler pulley to the rear.  I'm not sure what the shop manual says, but  
> it's a lot easier that way.
> --Bryan
> On Jul 17, 2007, at 9:06 PM, Arjay Morgan wrote:
>> At this point I have everything off the top of the engine and the  
>> bolts are removed from the perimeter of the roaster. I can lift it up  
>> maybe two inches, but the accelerator rod and maybe the back of the  
>> idler pulley are keeping it from coming all the way off.  The choke  
>> pulloff rods are sticking up, but don't seem to be  preventing  
>> removal and I'm fresh out of subtle wiggles. Is there a secret twist  
>> that I'm missing, or is it a matter of brute force.
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