<VV> pilot bearing/bushing

corvairs lonwall at corvairunderground.com
Fri Jul 13 17:26:50 EDT 2007

In my opinion there are multiple reasons to NOT use the bearing. Use a 
bronze oilite bushing our pn U-200. Thanks, Lon

Ray Rodriguez wrote:

>Yesterday I finally got the heads on the engine, but something came up and I never made it to the clutch installation.  Before I quit I found that the engine has a pilot bearing, and that my replacement is a bushing.... any advice concerning this?  Is the bearing much better then a bushing, particularly from a performance standpoint?  
>The bearing currently in the engine probably does not have many miles on it, but it the shaft has probably four or five thousandths of play when I slide it in and wiggle it.  
>I need to know if I really need to replace the pilot bearing, and if I do should I install the bushing or order another bearing?  
>Ray Rodriguez III
>CORSA member
>65' Corsa 140/4 coupe undergoing restification
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