bjornyesterday at yahoo.com
Sat Jan 27 21:23:42 EST 2007
To the 11 List Members (so far) who sent answers to my question about
OBD II and my Jeep, I send my heartfelt thanks. This list of ours
has a wonderful bunch of members who are always willing to help those
of us who seem to attract problems.
The plan is to go to an Auto Zone or other FLAPS and have them use
their scan tool to get the code. I learned that the OBD II cars will
not blink the check engine light. This info alone prevented me from
using a paper clip to short out the socket on my own. You know how
it is: Old Dog... New Trick.
If the weather cooperates this process may begin as early as
tomorrow. Stay tuned.
Andy Anderson
The road to a friend's house is never long.
The fish are biting.
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