<VV> 2007 Rolex

Tony Underwood tonyu at roava.net
Thu Jan 25 12:32:15 EST 2007

At 06:02 AM 1/25/2007, sarahvair at juno.com wrote:
>Today's the day for qualifying for this years 24 hours.  It's 
>raining and about 54 degrees.  This weekend will be more of the same.
>Last night Rick and I went to Home Depot right beside the 
>Speedway.  In front of us was a group of mechanics for the #85 
>Porsche team.  In there basket was a pressure treated 4 x6 board 
>maybe about 3 feet long, 6 packages of JB Weld, some slide rules and 
>a small plastic ribbed black hose, and some fine tooth saws.  They 
>were speaking German.  Two left and the one fellow turned and looked 
>at me.  I asked if the JB Weld was to hold the car together he 
>looked at me and said yes.  Then he looked at me and said does it 
>work good?  Rick and I chuckled and said, yeah it will work 
>depending on what you are using it on.

...should have told them to pick up some J-B Kwik.   Same stuff, just 
cures up a lot faster.     There actually *are* some cars running 
around that stay together because of this stuff.   BTDT myself... ;)


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