<VV> RE: ign sw ?? It's on, I feel loved again

TimogensTurbo at aol.com TimogensTurbo at aol.com
Sun Jan 21 22:42:49 EST 2007

In a message dated 1/21/2007 7:39:36 PM Pacific Standard Time, 
zanebrock at bellsouth.net writes:
> I had the timing retarded and the dist wires rotated one off which is
> apparently the reason the timing light would not flash on #1 TDC and the
> engine would not fire at all. 
> Lack of ADHD meds + no food = lack of patience2 x attention to details
> 43 yr old Chevy

And you expect people to come to Helen and chance catching it???  LOL!

Matt Nall...west coast
lots of info!

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