<VV> steering wheel play
J R Read_HML
hmlinc at sbcglobal.net
Sat Jan 20 23:21:54 EST 2007
May I add..... After any/all adjustments, take it for a ride and make some
90% turns R and L. Let go of the wheel after rounding the corner to see if
it self centers (or very nearly so). If it does not come back to straight
ahead pretty much on its own, you've over tightened the adjuster and need to
back it off a bit to avoid internal damage in the steering box.
Later, JR
----- Original Message -----
From: "Doug Mackintosh" <dougmackintosh at yahoo.com>
To: <hanssmom at cox.net>
Cc: <virtualvairs at corvair.org>
Sent: Saturday, January 20, 2007 10:11 PM
Subject: re:<VV> steering wheel play
> The play is somewhere between the steering wheel and the tires. The most
> common source of play is the bushing between the pitman arm coming out of
> the steering box, and the relay rod. The gearbox itself has several
> potential sources of play. If the pitman arm bushing (the one in the
> gearbox where the pitman shaft pokes out) is worn there will be some play.
> If the gears themselves have worn, there will be play. Within reason, that
> play can be adjusted out. The proper adjustment involves backing off the
> adjusting screw on top, then adjusting the shaft bearing by turning the
> BIG nut at the forward end of the box to get just a little drag, then WITH
> get just a little more drag. The worm gear is actually made to be tighter
> when on center, so if you do the adjustment with it off center, it will be
> too tight on center, possibly leading to damage. The book gives the
> details.
> Find a helper. One of you get under the car to watch and feel the various
> joints, while the other one gently wiggles the steering wheel back and
> forth. Careful observation will reveal where the play is. If the pitman
> arm doesn't move when the steering wheel is wiggled, there is play in the
> box. If the pitman arm moves but the relay rod doesn't, the relay rod
> bushing has slop, etc. etc. You can feel the play better than you can see
> it.
> "Connie Brummer" said:
> <<Thinking toward spring when I get the vert out of storage. I didn't
> drive
> it a lot before winter hit, but when I did, the steering wheel has
> about 1 ½
> to 2 inches of play in it. We've priced steering box parts from a
> vendor,
> but I'm wondering if the play will improve enough to be worth it?
> Realizing
> it's a 42 year old car, should I expect it to feel "tighter"?>>
> -- Doug Mackintosh
> Corsa member since 1996
> Corsa/NC member since 1996, Virtual Vairs member
> Corvair owner 1969-1971 and 1996-on
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