<VV> 67-69 Boyne Directional Switch Repair
airvair at richnet.net
Fri Jan 19 09:24:13 EST 2007
To tell you the truth, I would be amazed, no, make that astounded, if it
were possible to replace the cancelling paws on a Boyne turn signal
switch. The construction is done by machine and with rivets that are
special to the application, so special that I wouldn't know of any way
to take it apart, let alone put it back together, and certainly not
while still in the column. This is something that I've studied for the
last 35 years, with no solution yet. I'd venture to say that such a
repair claim is leading us down a primrose path. The "repair" part may
be available, but it wouldn't be the first time I've seen "repair parts"
for something that was utterly unrepairable. The vendor usually ends up
with nothing but a bunch of unusable spare parts. So unless there is
something new under the sun, no apology is needed at this point, Danny.
But I'd love it if somehow, somebody could PROVE me wrong on this one!
LastHamlet wrote:
> Hello All,
> A few weeks back somebody had posted(I cannot remember
> who at this moment), that they had replaced a part in
> their Boyne directional switch Switch. It started
> quite the curiosity, and I myself looked over several
> switches I had. Deeming at the time, and I think most
> agreed that these Boynes are not repairable. In
> essence I felt I falsely made statements to the
> validity of this repair, and for that I am so sorry.
> Well, as it turns out, I am most likely WRONG... (I
> know, what a shock.)
> Yesterday I got my 2007 Supplement Catalog, from
> Clark's, in the mail... (I read everything)
> Nonetheless, near the back, on page 67, near the
> bottom of the page... You got to see it for yourself.
> Part number C4665, is supposed to be a repair kit for
> the Boyne switch. I looked it up online and it is
> $11.10, plus shipping. (Though no online photo yet,
> the supplement I got yesterday, has a pic of it)
> (Somebody tell Jeff at Corvair Ranch not to throw that
> bucket of broken Boynes away, I am having problems
> sending emails to him.)
> Now, I have not ordered one of these yet, but out of
> curiosity I may just have to, to see how they suggest
> you remove that piece from your old switch.
> I wished the fellow who did this repair, and posted
> about it in the beginning, would let us know how he
> did it. I even remember him saying he did it without
> removing the switch from the column, so I really am
> curious to the technique.
> I got to say, you learn something new, every day. I
> would have been willing to swear that this repair was
> impossible, and it goes to show, with egg on my face,
> their is always something new to learn.
> Danny Barber <<<--Feeling stupid, after just recently
> putting in a new Repro Boyne. Also, feeling sorry he
> falsely claimed that it could not be done.
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