<VV> Paint for 64 Finned Drums?
lasthamlet at yahoo.com
Wed Jan 10 08:54:06 EST 2007
I would have to agree that painting should not affect
the cooling or operation of these items.(As Frank
Says...Not to thick.)
I took my drums off, while in process of brakes shoes
and such, wire brushed them, then I painted them
black, nearly a year ago.
I used that brush-on caliper paint that comes in a kit
box with cleaner and a small paint brush. (Advance
Auto Parts) Other colors were available... silver,
red, blue and yellow, but black was the best in "out
of sight" concept, to me.
I even done the inside, outer, groove/lip and inside
flat bolt area of the drum. (Very careful not to touch
the shinny friction part of the drum) I let it dry for
days and days. Then turned them all over and did the
other face side of the drums... Also, letting it dry
for days. Actually in drying, in the evenings when I
got home, I would hit them with a blow dryer for 30
minutes to an hour.
A total of 11 days in the drying, considering I did
some of the inside, and had to use the flip method(One
side of a part at a time, and allow to properly cure)
I know this sounds a bit overboard, but I just took
one off the other day to see how it looked after a
year... Not a bit of paint has come off, and it looks
brand newish. So, maybe, at times, overboard is a good
option. I have not had one brake issue with this
method either, so I really don't think this process
hurts them, but more rather protects them from rust,
and, of course, looking bad.
All The Best Regards,
Danny Barber
CORSA Newbie
67 Vert... "Wilma"
Frank DuVal Wrote:
Back in 1982 I painted the drums on my '64 Spyder
chassis black. Never
noticed a difference in performance.
Radiators are painted black, and they emit heat just
Why tape that area before painting? Just let the paint
cure before
installing the wheel! And don't make it too thick.
We're not trying for
a car finish in this location, just protection from
Frank DuVal
D. Barry Ellison wrote:
> Seems like any paint would deter the cooling
properties of finned
> drums. Does it really matter? I just dislike rusty
> When I've painted them in the past it always comes
off with the rim.
> I guess I can tape that part prior to paint, or wire
brush before
> install.
> What says the collective group?
> Barry E
> Corsa SC
> 2 lates, 2 earlies, straddling the EM vs LM debate
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