<VV> How Many??? Or, Who Cares Aghhhhhh!

LastHamlet lasthamlet at yahoo.com
Tue Jan 9 17:24:53 EST 2007

I kind of liked reading the Corvair stories, although,
I am a NEWBIE, so I'd just like to add my 2 cents
worth, and call it a day for my commentary.
A lot of valid points were made, but I think JR is
correct in saying this is a far less offensive thread
that the "Beat Up Roger" threads, and the stories are
very interesting.
First, I would like to confess, I am a strange
individual, but in that I think we all have a
confession or two in that line of subject matter...
Maybe???   I digress.
To kill two with one stone my tire size is 195/60/14,
but I would prefer 185/65/14 , on my AR Mags,,, SWEET!
Well, all I can say, is what I have said before, "For
some, there is only one."
67 Vert, Blue w/white top and blue interior... 110HP
PG, A/C, Tele-steering, Bumper guards, clock,
hood-trunk-ashtray lights that came with her... I
added some sweet other bolt on mods, and the AR Torque
Thrust Mags... So, to be honest, my little blue Vair
named "Wilma" is really all I can afford. Getting her
this far in 18 months has me back nearly 30K and I 
still need a much better Paint job and a little body
on one small spot. (Man, did I work a ton of Overtime
last year, and I am still paying the cc bills on
You see, I have never restored but one other car in my
life, and that Opel GT when I was 20, I never went
this far with. Besides that, with Wilma I feel I have
one amazing car, and I am sort of a one car fellow...
I give her all I got, and some of which I owe, and
this one is all I can handle.
I am truly amazed at the fleets that have been posted
here, as I wished I had the stamina to endure the days
and nights of labor you fellows must go through. Not
to mention one fellow I met in Charlotte(My first car
show of my entire life), who has 85 Corvairs in a
warehouse, now that is impressive!!! 
I stand in awe of you gurus of the Corvair, and I am
but a lowly squire. Although, even a lowly squire can
go to his first show, find a piece of inspiration in
all the much finer than mine, machines. 
Maybe so much so, he/me sets a goal to be back next
year, in that one little Vair,,,,, and make her
famous.(Or Visa-Versa) :-)
So, I guess the reason I liked this thread was that it
gives inspiration... if not to all maybe just to this
one lowly squire, and maybe other squires that log on
for the first time, needing hope, needing guidance,
friendship, and most of all to know that they are not
alone in the "I am strange" department... Make any
OKay, I believe that is more than 2 cents worth, so I
better sign off, while I can.
All The Best Regards,
Danny Barber
CORSA Newbie
67 Vert--"Wilma" my one and only.
JR Wrote:

I've seen more of the usually silent folks posting
than ever.  Maybe 
"how many" topic has helped to break the ice for some
of them?  It 
seems to 
be of interest to many and won't last forever.

It certainly beats the "beat up on Roger" topic. 
Newbies who left did 
so, I 
suspect,  more over bickering and nastiness than
friendly topics such 
this one.


Later, JR

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