Rod Murray
rmurray at anaheimducks.com
Tue Jan 9 15:58:08 EST 2007
I've been reading this recent VIRTUAL VAIRS thread with great interest
and enjoyment...it's fun to see the ownership trends of this group.
we're clearly a sick bunch - and I'm feeling much better about myself
now btw - maybe I'm lucky that my wife insists that I can only have 1
toy at a time? Anyway, george carlin once said that "life is a series
of dogs"...maybe so, but for this group, sounds like life is also a
series of corvairs! Maybe the neatest thing for me is that this thread
reinforces a basic philosophy I have about cars in general - and that's
that they serve as instant recall factors to the different stages of our
life's journey. And that's the whole idea behind ART ON WHEELS. If you
like cars as much as I do (and it certainly appears that you do), i
encourage you to check out my website. Creating personal graphic art is
a great hobby for me, so whether your interest is in creating something
fun like a novelty magazine cover featuring your corvair, or collectable
memorabilia framing, or capturing life-long memories w/ vehicle
chronology layouts & collages, ART ON WHEELS is all about helping you
enjoy and share the unique relationship between you and your favorite
toys. I wouldn't say it if it wasn't true (unless of course I wrote it
on corvair-itis, and then you never know!)
Thx, and Vairy best,
'66 monza convt (vintage corsa website & publicity rep)
Art On Wheels YOUR Car. YOUR Art.
Corvair-Itis http://bloggercrab.com/blogs/?u=artonwheels
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