<VV> Harry and Mike and edtiing
chsadek at adelphia.net
Thu Jan 4 20:07:15 EST 2007
Mike and All,
I have no financial dog in this fight. Do you have any idea what it costs
to do business? At about $25-30 hr cost to the business, say $25 hr then
$2000 is 40 hr or 20 hr each... Two and half days each to edit a Tech
manual.. you think that is excessive? I think it is exceedingly reasonable.
I think we are darn lucky to have those guys who do what they do for what we
pay them. This is their job. Are they supposed to do it for free?
Chuck S
From: <mhicks130 at cox.net>
> Bill, you're the one who comes to our monthly meetings and regails us with
> stories
And I want them to spend my dues in a way that is most beneficial to our
hobby, not to someone's friend's business or in some other,
non-benefical-for-the-hobby way. That's it. I just read in the last
Communique that Harry and Mike (who??) are getting $2000 to edit the 3rd
installment of the tech guide. How much did you guys get paid for writing
and editing "Corvair Basids"? I'm just sayin'
> mike
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