<VV> Beg me to run...
lonwall at corvairunderground.com
Thu Jan 4 13:09:19 EST 2007
What I'm curious about is how a heartfelt goodbye by Bill Hubble
suddenly gets transformed into - "Don't ask me to run - I was on the
board once and never again"....... etc. Is the Corsa board all that bad?
I think that there is only one major requirement for the job- and
yes, not everyone will have it - and that's at least a passing knowledge
of politics. And by politics I mean what happens when there are 3 or
more human beings involved in any kind of human action. Whether we like
it or not, there is politics in everything. An organization like Corsa
will, out of necessity, have political issues that must be dealt with,
and most members have no interest whatever in dealing with them.
But these issues must be dealt with, and it falls to the Corsa
board to deal with them. After 14 years as a local and county political
activist here at home, and 33 years in Corsa (along with many other
organizations) what I see as the biggest problem with political
volunteers is the unwillingness to understand that the decisions reached
by the board are decisions made by a process of give and take, among
other things. We have seen new board members quit is disgust because "no
one was listening to them" or "nothing was getting done". The english
translation for these statements is - "I couldn't get what I wanted".
Ask yourself this question - With 12 board members how does each one of
them get everything that they want?
If you're going to run for the board because "I'm going to get in
there and "fix" everything" then you're in for a rude surprise. First is
the fact that perhaps the way you want to "fix" everything does not sit
well with anyone else.........Yes, you can make an impact by serving on
the board. But it's no place for people who can only see thier own point
of view or have thier own egos to protect. If you have a thin skin or
are unable to compromise then no political body* will make you happy .
If you want to help keep Corsa financially sound and a great
organization and it doesn't bother you that it will mostly be a
thankless and unnoticed job, then don't let anyone scare you away from
running. Join the select few in this organization that are willing to do
this work.
*(well, Mary Carry did run for gov of California)
Lon - Western Corsa Director
Secular wrote:
> I sense the healthy mindset & attitude toward the BOD on CORSA.
> All the emails are very open with no innuendos. The scope of the
> position is clearly outlined. Truly for someone who has owned &
> driven Corvairs since the mid 80's, it's a breath of fresh air to
> learn that the kind folks here would rather have a needle in their
> "eye" and/or "buttocks" than to run for the BOD.
> Why is there such a strong desire to run in the BOD? Is there a painful
> physical initiation of some sort in this entity? What does happen to the
> directors? loss of hair - weight Gain....slurred speech...what's wrong?
> I would very much like a non-Charlie-of-Phoenix response. This topic I'm not
> willing to decrypt or decipher.
> If there's something that could improve the operation of CORSA or BOD,
> it needs to be out in the open, as opposed to "don't chase me I won't run" :)
> Some folks act like there's a line in front of their home with people begging
> them to run for BOD. There maybe, but would you rather talk about the
> shortcomings in a whisper? Why is it best to sweep it under the carpet?
> Is that the mindset of a true Corvair Enthusiast? Do you have a "F CORSA" tag?
> I'm not asking anyone NOT to nag. On Contraire ! nag...nag ..nag...but
> Do it constructively. Tell everyone what's wrong and how it needs to be fixed.
> Regards,
> Tony
> p.s. Change the topic if you are in the elite
> leave it untouched if you are a newbie :)
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