<VV> late 4 doors

Bill H. gojoe283 at yahoo.com
Wed Jan 3 12:29:03 EST 2007


When I drove my 69 Monza coupe for the first time in
daylight, I was amazed at the rear visibility.  I have
never owned a car with such a good rear window design.

My 72 Dart Swinger's rear visibility was so poor that
I needed a wide-angle inside rear view mirror, as well
as a wide-angle mirror on the right side of the car. 
This car had a thicker "C" pillar.

With the Monza, I have the wide-angle inside mirror
(it's a clip-on affair)  and I get a panoramic view of
the entire rear and side of the car.  It's one of the
more impressive features of the slimline roofline
design.  Unfortunately the wide-angle mirror takes
away the day/night feature, which you really need at
night when an SUV with blinding headlights is
tailgating me.

I have a matching right hand mirror for the outside,
but I only need it for parallel parking...Bill H.

My only objection to the 4 door is the backlight,
small as compared  
to a 500 (which, in 1965, we then could afford). I
love the  
visibility in the 2 door and wished GM could somehow
have made  
wraparound glass like a 4 door early. Oh well, sedans
were $105 more  
so we bought the 500. And of course, in 1968 there
were no sedans.   
I've enjoyed my 65 sedan for about 5-6 years now.  ron

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