<VV> for Pete's Sake! Can we let Roger move on and
talkaboutlocking brakes??
Ken Campbell
deltainc at grm.net
Wed Jan 3 10:46:04 EST 2007
----- Original Message -----
From: "J R Read_HML" <hmlinc at sbcglobal.net>
> Oh, Oh, if the left hose is constricted, will the left brake operate?
> the left front brake does not operate, what would happen? Did you put the
> new hose on the wrong side? What the hey... give BOTH sides new hoses.
> Let me know the result.
> Later, JR
Remember ... that your brakes act * dyslexically * ... that is, if the car
pulls to one side because of a front brake imbalance, it is the wrong brake
that you fixed ... if it is a bad rear brake, then it is the OTHER wrong
With old cars, ( I don't have a new car ) .... I have developed the
life-saving habit of always just tapping mildly the brakes before the major
effort a few feet later .... that way you know how much to yank the
steering wheel to stay on the road. (g).
A couple of my vairs have the trick metallic liners ( drum ) so this tac-tic
became necessary ... hmmm .... wonder if a guy could slow up early ??? ....
( a funny ? story... I let a buddy take one of my v8vairs for a run ... I
told him to work up to it ...... anyway, he was doing about 90 when he came
to the first t-intersection .... and applied the metallic brakes for the
first time in several weeks of setting in my back yard .... his face
looked like a japanese opera actor when he came back .... I complimented
him on his obviously high driving skills ... )
Oh, if you get the balance close, but the car still pulls upon braking,
could be the springs arent matched well ... left to right ..... this could
be the front OR rear springs, works kinda the same way but opposite ...
"Tweaked" they call it.
reargards, ken campbell, needs tweaked in iwu
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