<VV> Strange Electrical Problem

Harry Yarnell hyarnell1 at earthlink.net
Thu Aug 30 11:03:44 EDT 2007

Sounds like battery terminals to me...

harry yarnell
perryman garage and orphanage
hyarnell1 at earthlink.net
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jim Houston" <tampatexan at gmail.com>
To: "Virtual Vairs (E-mail)" <virtualvairs at corvair.org>
Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2007 10:29 AM
Subject: <VV> Strange Electrical Problem

> For the last couple of months, when I start my '65 Monza (110/4spd), 
> SOMETIMES nothing happens when I turn the key.  A few tries, and then it 
> would start and all would be well.  Last week, I had left the car at my 
> daughters house for the weekend and when I left to go home, I started it 
> and at the first corner, it died.  Attempted restart -- nothing... no 
> amount of trying would make it start.  The radio had no power, nor did the 
> electric gauges (including a voltmeter).   I pushed it back to her house 
> and checked the infamous "Red Wire Connection" and it appears fine - no 
> burning, no corrosion, both sides of the plug look fine.  Still nothing. 
> It was getting late, so I called it a day and took her Honda home.  I did 
> NOT check the headlights at that time.  I went out yesterday to give it 
> another try.  First thing, I checked the headlights and they came on.  I 
> concluded the problem was in the ignition switch.  Tried the 
> ignition/start "one more time" and it started.  Shut it off, and then 
> nothing.  Also, no headlights this time!!  I was laying under the dash 
> attempting to replace the ignition switch, and the courtesy lights came on 
> all of a sudden....  surprise!  Tried the start (with the switch hanging 
> below the dash) and it started!  Took it home - 12 miles - (with a Honda 
> following me, just in case) and had no problem.  When arrived home, tried 
> start a couple of times, and all was fine.  My question is :  should I 
> perform the "bypass surgery" even though the connection appears okay? 
> Could it be doing weird things?  Or, could it be the CB that is installed 
> between the battery and the 3way connector on the frame rail?  Any help or 
> suggestions would be appreciated as I'm a bit leery of taking any trips 
> until I find and fix the problem (I hate it when things "fix" 
> themselves!).
> Jim Houston
> Tampa, FL
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