<VV> Oooops! CORSA URL

Mike Kost vairmike at sbcglobal.net
Tue Aug 28 16:06:54 EDT 2007


http:// was not the problem. The problem was that the CORSA web site is 
www.corvair.org NOT www.corsa.org.

Mike Kost

Jim Houston wrote:
> Actually, Rodney was right... most browsers add the http:// when you 
> type in www, so it should work either way..
> Jim Houston
> Rodney Spooner wrote:
>> Thank you. I plead insanity. I get sooooo incensed by all of that 
>> tripe. Next time I'll count to ten and get it right.      Vairy truly 
>> yours,
>>   Rodney Spooner
>>         Rodney Spooner said:
>> ...The following was my response....<snipped>
>> ...  Visit www.corsa.org for more information.
>> Good response, Rodney, but you might want to send them another note
>>  correcting the URL for the Corvair Society of America to
>>  http://www.corvair.org.  Otherwise, the BusinessWeek folk may wonder
>>  about you and other Corvair owners...
>> Steve Oxford 

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