<VV> Re: Econorun safety - VirtualVairs Digest, Vol 31, Issue 51

rbuckridge at comcast.net rbuckridge at comcast.net
Fri Aug 10 12:35:34 EDT 2007

Not being familiar with the rules of the econorun, I would suggest the following.
1. Give everyone a copy of the rules so they know what will be acceptable and what is out of bounds.
2. Set a time limit to reflect real average legal road speeds. This should solve the coasting problem to some extent. It is now a low pressure TSD Rally with fuel economy as the method of awarding trophies.
3. Hold a POST EconoRun Tech Inspection. Now is the time to DQ any "rule benders" running their cars in an illegal or unsafe manner. For example; measure tire pressures, which would have been defined in the general rules as to what is an acceptable safe tire pressure.

Simply place the onus on the "crew" to enter a "legal vehicle" and you WILL BE TECHED at the end of the run. Tech only the top 3 cars in each class or however deep the awards go.

To me an econorun was always a nice drive through the country side and yea, we will measure fuel mileage as a measure of good driving ability and good vehicle state of tune.


> Message: 2 
> Date: Fri, 10 Aug 2007 10:50:54 EDT 
> From: Wrsssatty at aol.com 
> Subject: Econorun safety 
> To: virtualvairs at corvair.org 
> Message-ID: 
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" 
> > ponsor of the event could find itself in a legal battle.> 
> Thank you, Brian, for being brave enough to bring up something that we, as a 
> club, should seriously consider. The fact that the econorun takes place on 
> the open road and, often times, with vehicles that are being operated under 
> potentially risky conditions has caused me to be greatly concerned that we, as a 
> club, are opening ourselves up to a major lawsuit should there be an accident 
> during the event. Something to think about! 
> ~Bill Stanley (dare I come out of the closet to this group as a...lawyer?!) 

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