<VV> Convention results

D. Barry Ellison bars84crx at hotmail.com
Fri Aug 10 11:02:30 EDT 2007

The Flagstaff Economy run had a maximum time limit, seems like it was 3 
hours.  My dad and I started out taking it easy.  But I quickly did some 
calculations in my head and QUICKLY realized we couldn't make it in time if 
we did that.  You HAD to go at a decent speed.

If the coasted like that, the didn't do it long and finish in time.

Barry in SC
2 lates, 2 earlies

>From: "Marc Sheridan" <sheridanma1966 at gmail.com>
>To: virtualvairs at corvair.org
>Subject: Re: <VV> Convention results
>Date: Fri, 10 Aug 2007 10:37:30 -0400
>I saw the danger of the economy run at the Flagstaff convention. As I was
>headed for Phoenix in my rental car, during the time of the econorun, I
>closed very rapidly on a couple of Corvairs that were coasting down the
>mountain at speeds much slower than normal traffic! I had to not only slow,
>but quickly change lanes to avoid this rolling hazard.
>Besides the danger, it can't help the public perception of Corvairs and
>their owners.
>Marc Sheridan
>Waverly OH
>On 8/10/07, Brian <bmoneill at juno.com> wrote:
> >
> > I just looked at the convnetion results and was again stunned to see the
> > figures form the Econo Run.  They are unbeleiveable. These milage 
> > have no conection with reality.In past years I have seen cars with four
> > donut spares; others coasting on the side of an Interstate; tires pumped 
> > to double the safe inflation; and many ohter dangerous actions.I beleive
> > that we (CORSA) are in danger of having serious legal problems. Should 
> > be an accident or incident involving a particpant, CORSA as sponsor of 
> > event could find itself in a legal battle.  I know that we have 
> > but we do not need the hassle nor the adverse publicity.  It is a game 
>and a
> > dangerous one.
> > The whole Econo Run event needs a serious review.  The rules need to be
> > more stringent in regard to the things particpants can do.  The cars 
>need to
> > be in the same condition as they would be for normal street driving.  
> > pressures must be wihtin a safe range; all carburators msut be connected 
> > have working accelerator pumps. Time limits must be set to ensure that 
> > speeds are maintained.
> > At first, enforcement of these requirements might seem impossible.  The
> > answer is to impound the winners and the next two finishers in each
> > class.  A very quick check of tire pressures and
> > working carburators and accelerator pumps would be done.  Anyone failing
> > these checks would be disqualified.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
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