<VV> 1964 Owners Survey
Bill Hubbell
whubbell at umich.edu
Fri Aug 3 13:39:58 EDT 2007
I am currently researching 1964 cars to determine when certain changes took
place. If you are the owner of a 1964 Corvair car (sorry, no FCs) that you
either know to be in stock condition or know the history of any
modifications, I would greatly appreciate if you could provide me with the
following information:
For all questions, the Fisher Body Build date is important. This is found
in the upper left corner of the Fisher Body plate located on the left rear
frame rail of the engine compartment. It is usually a two digit-one letter
code, such as 09B. Please note this code as it is essential for answering
all questions.
1) Seat Belts: We are looking for a Build Date of 01C. If you have
such a car, please send me a photo of the tag. We especially need a tag
containing either a V or a W at the end of the Accessory line (bottom of the
2) Deck Lid:
a. There were three different styles:
i. Type
1: Shorter rear weatherstrip, all rear drain holes open
ii. Type
2: longer rear weatherstrip, all rear drain holes open
iii. Type
3: longer rear weatherstrip, only two drain holes open
b. If your car's build date is after 01B or before 03C, please
determine which style deck lid you have and send me the information.
3) Trunk Styles:
Most of us are familiar with the standard 1961-63 and 1964 trunk styles, but
there was a transitional style seen in late 1963 and early 1964.
i. Type
1: Typical 61-63 style: Screwed on vent in left rear corner, plate in right
rear corner
ii. Type
2: Transitional style: Screwed on vent left rear corner, solid wall right
rear corner
1. 07B 63-0927 WR 91885 evaluated at 1st ASCE in Buffalo
2. 08A 64-0627 WR 36 photographed by Bill Hubbell at local show in
3. View both cars at: http://rides.webshots.com/album/484534024LbVDBd
iii. Type
3: 1964 style : Vents stamped into metal both rear corners
b. If you have a car (other than the two above) with the transitional
style trunk, please send me information (Build date, VIN, etc.)
4) Oil Bath Pre-cleaner:
Early 1964 cars used the 1961-63 style while later 1964s used the Late model
i. An
earlier survey I conducted generated only 6 responses
1. 12B (John Hower) was the latest date given for the early style
2. 03B (Jim Kretchman) was the earliest date given for the late style
ii. If you
car has a build date later than 12B or earlier than 03B and came with the
oil bath pre-cleaner, please send me details.
Bill Hubbell
President, Stock Corvair Group
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