<VV> 3-Cylinder Vair motor

Chris C ricorvair at cox.net
Tue Apr 24 13:31:21 EDT 2007

>    Frank "EVERY Corvair needs a CHT gauge"  Burkhard    

CHT gauge?

FrankCB at aol.com wrote:
> Reminds me of the time many years ago when son Jim  and I decided to take 
> "Joe Cool" (66 Monza 95hp PG A/C) to a  local autocross.  After the autocross, 
> the car was hard to start but  we finally got it going to discover one carb was 
> completely nonfunctional (found  out later that the main jet was completely 
> blocked with silt).  So we drove  home on the highway using only 3 cylinders.  
> The engine ran relatively  smoothly but with much less power and a lot more 
> heat.  Fortunately, I had  installed a calibrated aftermarket CHT gauge and even 
> more fortunately the  pickup sensor was on the side of the 3 firing cylinders. 
>  Whereas the  cruising temp with all 6 firing was around 350 deg.F, with only 
> 3 firing, it  easily reached 450 and even higher.  We frequently had to run 
> at lower  speed on the shoulder everytime the temp started to climb much above 
> 450.   But we made it home safely.  I figure our average A/F ratio was about 
> 24 to  1.<GGGG>
>     Frank "EVERY Corvair needs a CHT gauge"  Burkhard    
> In a message dated 4/24/2007 1:52:54 AM Eastern Daylight Time,  
> Sethracer at aol.com writes:
> In a  message dated 4/23/2007 1:47:17 PM Pacific Daylight Time,   
> jallenm at comcast.net writes:
> Scott: I  was at the Georgia  Spring Fest at Helen GA .  I saw it run and I 
> was  amazed as to  how smooth it ran . 1-2-3 Cyl's were firing . 2-4-6 no 
> cyls 
> at all .  he cut off old 2-4-6  Con rods to have something to counter  
> balance  
> .  I would guess it will develop 60HP . You got to see it to   Believe it '
> Allen Charleston SC 64 Vair .
> Actually  1 -3 - 5 were the firing cylinders, and it should run pretty   
> smoothly (everything is relative) No worse than a counterweighted Geo  
> 3-cylinder  
> motor of the mid 90's. - I'll bet the Geo was also about  half the 
> displacement  
> of the late Vair. Hmmmm? Probably about 60 HP  as well. Hmmm? Of course, with 
> the  three left side cylinders of the  Vair not firing, the car would have a  
> definite pull to the right!  <grin> - Seth

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