<VV> 64 Engine problems solved...for now

D. Barry Ellison bars84crx at hotmail.com
Fri Apr 20 19:08:10 EDT 2007

2 problems during St. Augustine autocross... lots of blow by, and 
non-working carbs.  Got called "Smokey" several times, even by my father.  
Fast Eddy thanked me for spraying for mosquitos.  I'll send the SECC a bill 
- have to pay for all that oil I wiped off my engine somehow, right?

#1 I've never been a proponent of "snake oil", but I figured what do I have 
to lose.  I bought a quart can of high mileage engine flush from my FLAPS, 
frees sticky rings, repairs compression, frees sticky lifters, cleans gunk, 
cures rabies, athelete's foot, and arthritis, yada, yada, yada...warm the 
engine, pour in, let idle on high for 5 mins, no more, no driving.  Change 
oil & filter...exhaust is now smoke free, spirited driving doesn't push oil 
out the dipstick!!!  Imagine that - a product that does what it says it will 
do.  <Well, maybe if the application fits the actual problem, and in this 
case, it evidently did>

#2 These carbs gave me fits, wouldn't idle steady, no power when warm.  You 
know you've worked on them too many times when you can reassemble correctly 
w/no parts leftover.  Probably need more hold down nuts/washers since I wore 
these out on top of the carbs.  <g> Rebuilt by myself with kits from a major 
vendor, new shafts, SS screws & filter (Wolf Enterprises), the only circuit 
I didn't really check recently was the idle circuit.  I checked that tonight 
- no problems.

I reinstalled them, and decided to start balancing.  I did use the 
ruler/tube/oil vacuum gauge and seemed to work perfect.  MMO turned out to 
be too thin and got sucked right into the engine.  LOL  The main problem was 
the air mixture screw.  I started at 1.5 turns.  Idled evidently only on one 
side, other side didn't get warm.  I never attempted more than 2.5 turns out 
on the right carb - just didn't make sense to me.  Well, from now, I'll 
screw it all the way out if I have to.  3.5 turns, and I'm good.  Somewhere 
during the R&R processes, I also fixed the warm no power issue.  Who knows?  
but I don't care.

All is well again with the corvair world.  Feels good.  Now, if I could fix 
the rest of the crap broken.  Got to go do some plumbing tonight for my 
sis-inlaw - trip to Lowe's for parts in the Corsa will do me good.

Have fun in Helen GA - I'll be here plumbing.  Sending parts with my dad, 
please buy them.

Barry Ellison in SC
2 lates, 2 earlies, finally one running.  Getting the Lakewood running and 
driving w/brakes is the next project - soon to be for sale.  Just need the 

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