<VV> RE: Brake lining separation

mopar at jbcs2.net mopar at jbcs2.net
Wed Apr 18 12:16:30 EDT 2007

Yes, I have seen plenty of brake linings separate from the metal part on
drum brakes.
Having worked many years ago when drum brakes were more common, saw plenty.
Usually attributed to overheating, rust, or poor quality shoes.

Awhile back we had a tech session at my house that included pulling the
rear drums off a volunteers 65 Corsa. Imagine my suprise when pulling the
drum off both "shoes" fell to the floor.............didhn't have any spares
on the shelf either so had to go get some.
These were suprisingly rusty, and fairly worn out. And note bonded linings,
not riveted.

On both of my wife's vehicles that she uses on her mail route I learned to
use high quality riveted linings, and keep spares on the shelf as frontdisc
pads last her maybe 3 months and rear shoes maybe a year. 600 mailboxes a
day generate a lot of heat. Enough heat to make things too hot to touch
after her route. Hot enough to melt her phenolic front caliper pistons, and
turn her caliper seals to dust, hot enough to melt wheel cylinders.
Kind of like the NASCAR races where they stick a camera in the wheel well
to show you the red hot rotors due to high speed braking.
Of cours I still say my wife has to exceed the speed limit between mail
boxes to go through brakes like she does.............<GGGGG>

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