<VV> Fan Bearing Failure

kaczmarek at charter.net kaczmarek at charter.net
Tue Apr 10 11:17:51 EDT 2007

Smitty, thanks for the wisdom, as usual. 

As for traveling without tools, what idiot would do that ?

I do it every day, but the trip is only 23 miles one way to work. I have my AAA card, if the EUM takes a dookie, I make a call on my cell and the rollback comes and takes it to the house, or if closer to work, Eric's shop is only 1 mile from Steele.   Hasn't happened.  I do carry a spare belt and the wrench.  Unlike a true "Ultra" Monza, I rebuilt most of the car, so brakes, Drivetrain, new blower bearing, etc isn't much of a worry for commuting from the house to Steele.  

If I'm going outside the CLT area, I get out my smaller tool box, the Corvair Basics manual, and the list of recommended tools, and fill my box.  Also take along a couple of spares, like fuel pump,(though I've never had one go bad), Oil Filter (I had a spin on adapter crack on me in MD once, I was only 3 miles from Mike Harrison at the time). 

And, a GOOD Spare tire. LM's have once before nearly stranded me on I-95, loose camber bolt balded out the inner edge of a tire down to the steel belt.  A small Harbor Freight cup jack and a good spare got me back to VB without a problem.  Also, after an alignment I get a bright shade of the wife's  nail polish and mark the location of the camber bolt and eccentric in case it ever does loosen up, you can get it back to where it should be on the side of the road. 

I've been fortunate about getting stranded, it's only happened a couple of times, and both times it worked out pretty easy.  Wish I could say so for Smitty, but we've all learned a lot from his adventures on the open road. 


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