<VV> RE: Km vs MPH speedo face

Sethracer at aol.com Sethracer at aol.com
Thu Sep 21 10:06:19 EDT 2006

In a message dated 9/20/2006 9:34:17 PM Pacific Daylight Time,  
n3lkz at yahoo.com writes:

To the  speedo it's not mph or kph but degrees of arc across the face. What 
makes a  KPH speedo different is the graduations on its face. The number of 
degrees of  arc for say 100 kph vs 62 mph is the same. All that needs to be 
changed is the  graduations and present day signmakers use computers to neatly 
divide up the  space. just about any signmaker with 20th Century equipment can 
make a speedo  face in KPH.

The Corvair speedometers, at least on the late models, had the speed  numbers 
stamped or cast into the separate plastic lens which mounted  between the 
speedo and the dash housing. Indeed, If you wanted to just  indicate your speed 
in "Kilometers Per Hour", you could just replace the  lens with the Kilometer 
version - if you could find one (or make one). When GM  installed the Kilo 
speedometer in the cars, they also installed the  Kilometer Odometer. The 
accumulation of distance was displayed in Kilometers,  not miles. The 67 Monza dash I 
brought home from Belgium had the  special "Kilo-Odo" and was marked with a 
printed note to that effect. The Speed  indicators on the Monza lens went from 0 
to 200 (as in 200 KPH). From all  indications, GM didn't make a special lens 
for the Corsa model in Europe. I  think they just altered the drive to let the 
standard display read as Kilometers  per hour. - But I have no proof of that, 
just hearsay. A 240KM per hour lens  would be an interesting addition to the 
renowned Corsa Dash, wouldn't it?   - Seth Emerson 

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