<VV> RE: Km vs MPH speedo face
Arjay Morgan
n3lkz at yahoo.com
Thu Sep 21 00:33:35 EDT 2006
Aside from the odometer portion of the speedometer, gearing is not an issue. The speedometer needle moves a certain distance (call it a percentage of its arc) for each X number of revolutions per second. To the speedo it's not mph or kph but degrees of arc across the face. What makes a KPH speedo different is the graduations on its face. The number of degrees of arc for say 100 kph vs 62 mph is the same. All that needs to be changed is the graduations and present day signmakers use computers to neatly divide up the space. just about any signmaker with 20th Century equipment can make a speedo face in KPH. The problem is getting him /her to take on a job that won't make 'em a lot of money. I've even seen dual-nation speedos where the KM scale is simply a decal that goes in front of the MPH mechanism. Tacky, but it works. I'd ask my guy, Bob, down here in Zephyrhills to do it on his whizzz-bang sign cutting machine,but he'd quote me a price nobody on this group woud want to
hear., at least not in pleasant company
just a thought and your mileage will vary
Arjay Morgan
64 monza convert
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