<VV> Swim Suit issue - NO Corvair

mhicks130 at cox.net mhicks130 at cox.net
Thu Sep 14 23:15:09 EDT 2006

I wasn't going to respond to this drivel but I'm weak, I can't help myself:

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> One of the things I could never understand about many of our chapters. In my opinion, What looks like a family club is actually many of the wives who refuse to let their husbands out of their sight.  
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Yeah, or maybe they're just being sociable hmmm?  It is possible.  I know our club is as much about the social aspect as it is about the cars.  A lot of wives will get periferally involved with things their husbands are passionate about  even if they don't care so much about it - it's easier to join 'em than to fight 'em.  Marriages are compromises, each gives a little to the other.  That doesn't necessarily mean the wives are just there to keep an eye on their men. 

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> In my youth car clubs were groups of men and young men who would gather in a place to talk about cars, and have some beers and snacks.  Many CORSA chapters are groups of older men ---and their wives, who sit through meetings that must bore the crap out of them, so they can keep an eye on their husbands? I can't figure out any other reason.  
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Yeah, and I'm sure you'd like it to go back to it being just for boys but those days are past - get used to it.  Our clubs are for everyone interested in our funny little cars, not just the beer drinkin, snack eatin, men.  Once again, maybe the women are there to be sociable.  I get bored at meetings sometimes but I still go, and I'm not keeping an eye on anyone.  Being bored at a meeting is just part of the "dues" you pay for being in a club.  Not everything said at every meeting is exciting you know.

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> Most of our shows wouldn't come off with out the support of member's spouses and girlfriends. We certainly need their help.  but it was mostly the wives of our members who raised  Sahara sized dunes of sand about the Communique pictures.
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We need their help? Their help?  Yes, the poor women can HELP us highly capable men but there's no way they can do anything on their own.  See, that's maybe the attitude of some of the men in the club that's putting some women off.  You add swimsuits girls on the cover to that attitude and I can see how someone of the female persuasion might be ever so slightly offended - and yet NOT be a politically-correct extremist.

Try putting youself in their shoes Hank, would you be happy to see a couple of burly men oiled up wearing speedos on the cover??  Never mind, but I know I wouldn't like it.  Tasteful or not, you ought to be able to see why a woman wouldn't want to see swimsuit girls on the cover of THEIR magazine.  It is theirs too you know, not just their husband's.  

It is a car club, not a men's club.  Sure, we're mostly men, but I don't want to alienate the women in the club and there's no need to.  

I get that it was an April Fools issue and based on that, I don't think anyone should have had a problem with it.  I think it's kind of funny.  Not as funny as crate 140's being found but funny.  But your attitude is that no one should have had a problem with it irregardless of the April Fools aspect.  And THAT shows your insensitivity to other's feelings.  

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> They were in good taste! I've seen much on magazine racks that made those ladies look like LL Bean winter models.  I didn't get it then, and I don't get it now. 
> Perhaps I wasnt' supposed to. 
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I honestly don't think you'd know good taste if it came up and bit you in the ...

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> Of course I remember a young lady (still active in CORSA) who I believe was elected as a director some years back, I know she ran for office.  She liked to wear short shorts and short skirts, and had the legs to show off with them. And as men are men, she got plenty of attention. Chapped the posteriors of more than a few CORSA wives.  I thought it was silly. 
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Yeah, and it wouldn't bother any CORSA husbands if a handsome, charming young man who wore tight shirts and had muscles to show off with them started getting chatted up and flirted with by the wives, right?  Right.

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> Be assured that pics like that won't EVER be in the communique again. 
> BUT--- If you have a car worth photographing, and know of a pretty girl who would like to pose with the car,  make sure you send me an email of that picture. 
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And any other "interesting" pictures we might have?  Hmm??  

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> When I finish the Body paint and int. on the EUM, I will be arranging for a half dozen of the better looking Hooters girls in the area to pose with it. 
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Well goody gumdrops for you.  You gonna ply them with liquor and candy or just do it the old fashioned way and pay them cash?

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> Frannkly, I think someone should try and get a TASTEFULLY photographed set of Vairs and pretty girls and make a calendar.  It would sell!
> Hank
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Wow, a calender with pretty girls would sell?  Ya think?  I wonder why no one else ever thought of that.  

I like pictures of pretty girls and I like pictures of pretty cars but honestly, I'd rather have a calender with pictures of just the Corvairs. I can get my pretty girl pictures in a million different places but it's hard to come by pretty Corvair pictures.  And when I'm in the mood to look at the car, that's what I want to see.

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