<VV>Axles - was batteries discharging
airvair at richnet.net
Wed Sep 13 22:18:12 EDT 2006
Ok, the key word there is "at the bearing." It's the part from there to
the U-joint that's where the heater hose would contact. I imagine that
structurally, you could replace that part of the existing rod with a
larger hollow tube, ala late model, and achieve the same structural
strength but at a lighter weight. Just my speculation, though.
Shaun wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "airvair" <airvair at richnet.net>
> > Unfortunately, yes. It takes a bit more time to saw thru an early model
> > shaft, as it's just a solid rod. In other words, it was (unnecessarily)
> > a lot heavier than it needed to be to do it's intended job.
> >
> > -Mark
> Not necessarily, Mark. Unlike a Late Axle, the Early axle is subjected to a
> bending force from cornering or road shocks. It needs to be robust. Even so,
> they occasionally snap off at the bearing, usually after someone has removed
> a bearing improperly and left scratches or gouges to form a stress riser.
> yea, Vairily ... Shaun
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