Language barrier, was: <VV> International Corvair meeting Nancy, France (pictures)

Guus de Haan guusdehaan at
Wed Sep 13 13:14:41 EDT 2006

Op 13-sep-2006, om 15:40 heeft airvair het volgende geschreven:

> Like one guy told me once when I asked how everyone understands one
> another during a multi-country meet, "we all speak english then."  
> Guess
> that would put everyone at an equal disadvantage. ;o)

Well I haven't heard much English this weekend. Most Swiss speak  
German and French. The French of course speak French and most of the  
Dutch speak some German (and one or two a little French as well). So  
most conversation was in German and French and of course "hands and  
feet" language ;-)

> One of these days, I gotta make it back for one of your multi-club
> meets! Ought to be a lot of fun.

Then you better learn one of the three languages mentioned above. The  
last one will only work when both parties are willing.....

Or bring lots of Corvair parts..... then everybody is your friend ;-)


Guus de Haan
The Netherlands
'65 Corsa Turbo-Charged Cvt

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