<VV> RE: Finding and Searching our Archives on VV web

Bryan Blackwell bryan at skiblack.com
Sun Sep 10 20:42:07 EDT 2006



Note the search box!  Google fast, by golly!  "Digest Files" will take 
you to the raw archives - by Thread, Subject, Author, or Date.  
Although some Authors have more than one address, so they show up 
multiple times :-)


On Sep 10, 2006, at 5:33 PM, TimogensTurbo at aol.com wrote:

> Let's everyone at least TEST them for a few minutes and  give all of us
> feedback on ease of use, etc.
> http://www.vv.corvair.org/mailman/listinfo/virtualvairs
> 2nd  row of type....   Click on VirtualVairs Archives

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