<VV> Whose Car?
Vairtec at optonline.net
Vairtec at optonline.net
Tue Sep 5 20:58:23 EDT 2006
Tom Wilcox, Allentown, PA. See photo here:
Nice car, and currently for sale, too.
At 08:47 PM 9/5/06, BBRT wrote:
>Eastern half of PA... From a vintage racing friend. I should know but
>can't remember. Whose car is this?
>charcoal silver gray corvair carrying #8 on it with white windshield
>lettering across top "corvair performance" , it does not live too far from
>me, anyone you know? it looks like a car set up for track days not
>daily driver. twin mufflers with turned down trumpet tips too.
>Chuck S
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Robert W. Marlow
Vairtec at optonline.net
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