<VV> Re: Corvair crashworthiness (NOT) on the web
Charles Lee at Proper Pro Per
chaz at ProperProPer.com
Fri Oct 27 17:58:11 EDT 2006
"And even glowing testimonies won't sell any more Corvairs. ;-)"
Good point.
After looking at a few of the wrecked Corvairs, regardless of how they saved
their owner's life, it's very depressing. Like that car carrier full of
classic Porsches that got hit by a train, it's painful to watch.
Let's just show the nice ones.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Tom Suter" <tsuter at eisc.org>
To: <VirtualVairs at corvair.org>
Sent: Friday, October 27, 2006 12:10 PM
Subject: Re: <VV> Re: Corvair crashworthiness on the web
> And even glowing testimonies won't sell any more Corvairs. ;-)
> Tom Suter
> ==========================
> |---------+-------------------------------->
> | | vairtec at optonline.net|
> | | Sent by: |
> | | virtualvairs-bounces@|
> | | corvair.org |
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> | | |
> | | 10/27/2006 03:00 PM |
> | | |
> |---------+-------------------------------->
> >-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
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> |
> | To: Bryan Blackwell <bryan at skiblack.com>
> |
> | cc: VirtualVairs at corvair.org, chaz at ProperProPer.com,
> chsadek at adelphia.net |
> | Subject: <VV> Re: Corvair crashworthiness on the web
> |
> >-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
> I'm a wet blanket. I really don't like this idea. Corvair safety is a
> sleeping dog that should be allowed to lie. Start promoting these
> anecdotal stories, and we'll begin to hear from folks whose experiences
> are
> just the opposite, anecdotal evidence that the Corvair is dangerous.
> Yes, we all know that Ernie Kovacs was sleep-deprived, alcohol-enhanced,
> and distracted. But the common recollection is that he "was killed in a
> Corvair." Do we really want to re-open the whole "unsafe" discussion?
> --Bob
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