<VV> Fish tale
Dennis Dorogi
dfamily at cecomet.net
Sat Oct 14 09:51:25 EDT 2006
My wife and I were going down a narrow country road in my 65 convertible
with the top down at about 45 mph. At a cross roads another vehicle failed
to stop at the stop sign and proceeded to drive into my lane. I made a very
sudden turn to avoid the vehicle and then corrected hitting the brakes hard
at the same time. Did a very nice 180 and watched while going backwards as
the other vehicle went right through the intersection without stopping. We
went rather straight backwards and slowly drifted to the side of the road
where we hit a mailbox post with the rear bumper at almost 0 mph. Very,
very, slight dent in the bumper. You sure know there is a heavy weight in
the back end of the car as it swings around rather suddenly. We are glad to
be alive and in another vehicle I am sure we would have gone off the road or
hit the other car. Dennis Dorogi
65 monza convt
65 monza 4door
63 rampside---- Original Message -----
From: "Padgett" <pp2 at 6007.us>
To: <virtualvairs at corvair.org>
Sent: Friday, October 13, 2006 8:22 PM
Subject: Re: <VV> Fish tale
> >Short of ice or maybe rain, I'm
> >not sure I could cause my Corvair to fishtail at 35 mph.
> Well start a sudden lane change then before completing, an equally sudden
> reversal and bat the brakes (best if you hit the brakes hard and your foot
> slips off the pedal).. Hit the harmonic right and interesting things will
> happen. 35 is plenty,
> Padgett
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