corvairs lonwall at corvairunderground.com
Wed Oct 11 14:08:12 EDT 2006

Actually the stamped 2 part steel housings are 1960-62 and the cast 
63-64. In the case of FC's they are all stamped 1961-65 - Lon


N2VZD at aol.com wrote:

>as i remember it the 60-63 bearings were in stamped steel housings. the 64  
>was in a cast housing.
>i happen to have one early stamped style extra if anyone wants to spend  $220 
>postal money order  plus shipping usa or swap same condition fc  bearing 
>(NOS).in box. i would take any vintage bearing apart and repack it with  modern 
>lubes before installing it.
>regards, tim colson

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