<VV> Re:Back of building parking (humor/)

Tony Underwood tonyu at roava.net
Sun Oct 8 02:11:12 EDT 2006

At 03:54 hours 10/07/2006, Louis C. Armer,Jr. wrote:
>Hmmm............If you and PC are such good buddies and you get all these
>deserted desert parts from PC..................(ddp from PC) then 
>why does your
>BOSS make you PITBOTBH ( park in the back of the building honest) ???
>Explain that one to all !!! <GGG>


For starters, my boss is Canadian.   He has a particular approach to 
civilization which includes vehicles which are not an embarrassment 
to him or his business.   And, he didn't want me taking up a parking 
spot for customers... or he was worried that people would think he 
paid me so little I wasn't able to afford to paint my car.   ;)

Far as my being buddies with Phoenix Chas, last time we spoke we 
argued about what sort of wheel cap centers were available in '63, on 
Spyders.    Then I bought more parts from him.   Bad business... 
should have bought all the parts first, *Then* argued.

Speaking of which:

I used to have a pair of '63 style wheel covers that had plastic 
inserts in them with a gold spider embossed, similar to the '64 
Spyder caps, only these caps were '63 style, black painted surround 
between the stamped "spokes" etc, and these "spider" plastic inserts 
were smooth like the standard '63 inserts, and NOT dished like the 
'64 inserts.

Now, to my knowledge, GM didn't make any '63 inserts for the '63 
Spyder wheel covers, although I had two wheel covers with such 
centers on them.  Evidently they were aftermarket...   while Charlie 
insisted that they MUST have been '64 inserts in the '63 wheelcovers, 
although I can insure everybody they were NOT '64 inserts, got a set 
of '64 Spyder wheel covers in the shed, and these '63 "Spyder" wheel 
covers had '63 style centers in them, with a gold spider in them, 
painted silver from behind just like the stock GM plastic centers and 
actually LOOKED stock.  My bud Dallas Mangus traded me some stuff for 
them, along with a set of early wire caps, took the stuff to Helens 
and sold it all.

My questions is (again), did anybody ever see any centers done up 
like '62-'63 wheel cover centers with a spider in 
them?   Aftermarket, factory, whatever... just curious.   Or, did I 
have some ultra-rare (not to be confused with Ultra parts) wheel 
covers that I traded for some cheap engine parts...?


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