<VV> Corvair list "Racing English" (humor?)
Dennis & Debbie PLEAU
ddpleau at msn.com
Fri Oct 6 23:41:22 EDT 2006
The Charlie decoder ring. This is for VV members only and all their
friends. Do not spread outside of CORSA members and all other Corvair
No matter what the ad says or dosen't say, it means, if you need a part,
send a self addressed stamped envelope to Charlie, 99.99% of the time he
will have a non rusted Arizonia part for fair price, for you.
P.S. Chuck won't accept mail from me, but I got over it already.......
>From: "Dennis & Debbie PLEAU" <ddpleau at msn.com>
>To: carmerjr at mindspring.com, virtualvairs at corvair.org
>Subject: RE: <VV> Corvair list "Racing English" (humor?)
>Date: Fri, 06 Oct 2006 21:15:25 -0600
>I know I shouldn't perpetuate the current thread in the Communique, but I
>will. The decoder ring BigBeef sent is way more complicated than
>Charlie's. I can give you Charlie's in one sentence. Let me know if you
>want me to post the complete Charlie decoder ring....
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