<VV> Quick survey for '67 - '69 owners

airvair airvair at richnet.net
Mon Nov 27 13:32:49 EST 2006

What's the VIN on it? Specifically, late or early production run?

There are two that I've seen used on lates. One's the long-shaft style
like you describe, the other's a stubby one that's about as long as it
is around, and has the word "flasher" on the flat end. Both are chrome.

To my knowlege, only those two were ever used on lates. No black ones,
etc. I suspect that the "first design" is the long version.

I'm also CC'ing Mike McKeel, so as to get him into the conversation.


"Edwin D. Lindsay" wrote:
> Kent,
>  67 500 coupe, 95, 3 Spd. WRN, 100488.
> (1) close to 1"
> (2)Flat to slightly concave
> (3) Chrome
> (4) Has the word FLASHER on the shaft
> ?From the looks of this car, nothing has ever been changed on it
> -Including the oil ?GGGGG?
>                                                          Ed
> West Florida Corvair Club
> On Thu, 16 Nov 2006 23:42:51 -0800 "Kent Sullivan"
> ?kentsu at corvairkid.com? writes:
> ? Hi,
> ?
> ? If you own a 1967, 68, or 69 Corvair, please reply and tell me what
> ? the
> ? hazard flasher switch knob on the steering column looks like. Please
> ? let me
> ? know whether:
> ?
> ? 1) Length -- about 1/2" or more like 1"?
> ?
> ? 2) Shape -- flat (or slightly convex) head or concave head (like a
> ? golf
> ? tee)?
> ?
> ? 3) Color -- chrome or black?
> ?
> ? 4) Where does the word "Hazard" appear on it?
> ?
> ? Also, please let me know how confident you are that this is the
> ? original
> ? switch knob and not a replacement.
> ?
> ? Thanks!

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