<VV> RE: Quick survey for '67 - '69 owners
Dennis & Debbie PLEAU
ddpleau at msn.com
Thu Nov 23 16:32:15 EST 2006
Just a suggestion, I just forwarded this out to Rocky Mountain CORSA and
Pikes Peak Corvair Club, asking them to help Kent out. Just a handfull of
us in my two local clubs are on the VVs. If your club has an email list,
why don't you forward this out to your club and greatly expand the
population helping out. Kent's doing a great job job documenting what is
original, and we should all be doing are part to help out.
If your club doesn't have an email list like the VVs, request one from the
CORSA office (CORSA at CORVIR.ORG). It's a free service provided to clubs by
>From: "Kent Sullivan" <kentsu at corvairkid.com>
>To: "Virtual Vairs" <virtualvairs at corvair.org>
>Subject: <VV> RE: Quick survey for '67 - '69 owners
>Date: Thu, 23 Nov 2006 11:27:21 -0800
>Thanks to everyone who replied. I think there must be more '67, '68, and
>Corvair owners lurking out there though... So if you did not respond to my
>initial request, please do so now! I have also revised the questions
>If you own a 1967, 68, or 69 Corvair, please reply and tell me what the
>hazard flasher switch knob on the steering column looks like:
>1) Length -- about 1/2" or more like 1"?
>2) Color -- chrome or black?
>3) Where does the word "Flasher" appear on it?
>4) Is the steering column standard or telescoping?
>5) What is the VIN of the vehicle?
>6) What is the body build date of the vehicle? (Look for two numbers and a
>letter on the top left of Fisher Body tag, which is on the rear frame rail
>in the engine compartment.)
>7) What is your first and last name? (Some folks' handles don't include
>8) How confident are you that this is the original switch knob and not a
>Happy Thanksgiving,
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Kent Sullivan [mailto:kentsu at corvairkid.com]
>Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2006 11:43 PM
>To: Virtual Vairs (virtualvairs at corvair.org)
>Subject: Quick survey for '67 - '69 owners
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