<VV> 64 Manual differential needed
Bob Gilbert
traceya at montrose.net
Thu Nov 23 02:44:54 EST 2006
Where are you at?
Mike Moyer wrote:
>My neighbor needs a Manual differntial for a 1964 Convertible.
>I don't at persent have any in my stock just a 63 which we will most likely use til he finds a 64 with spring mount pad
>It is his daily driver and @ present only car
>He is not on this list.
>If you have one availible please contact jeremy.parisi at hurlburt.af.mil or myself and i will pass on
>He is in he Air Force and will be deploying again to Iraq Soon and I hope to have it repair correctly before he returns home
>Mike Moyer
>Do you Yahoo!?
>Everyone is raving about the all-new Yahoo! Mail beta.
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