<VV> Starting Problem
J R Read_HML
hmlinc at sbcglobal.net
Mon Nov 20 20:39:09 EST 2006
Normal operation on a cold engine would be to push the pedal to the floor
and let it return gradually to rest (just not SNAP up). Turn the key. It
starts - with the chokes ON. After 4 - 5 minutes, if you've not touched the
pedal, the chokes will start to come off and the idle speed will reduce.
Try it that way and let us know if it is not reacting as I've described -
and what it is doing instead.
In REALLY cold weather, there may SOMETIMES (not often) be a need to goose
the gas a bit in order to get a little extra boost out of the accelerator
pumps. This is to KEEP it running after it has started.
I think, from your description, that you might be dealing with a "flooded"
condition (which you may have induced).
Later, JR
----- Original Message -----
From: "Bill H." <gojoe283 at yahoo.com>
To: <virtualvairs at corvair.org>
Sent: Monday, November 20, 2006 7:21 PM
Subject: <VV> Starting Problem
> B"H
> Hi all...you probably remember that I posted yesterday
> that I tuned my '69 Monza, 110 PG, with new Pertronix
> and plugs (Bosch).
> Anyway, I found a problem. When the car has been
> sitting for a couple of hours, it takes extended
> cranking and my foot to the floor to start the engine.
> It took me about 10 minutes to start her this evening
> when I left work. She was in the building's garage
> and had been sitting for about 5 hours. WHen she
> wouldn't start, I lifted the deck lid and noticed that
> the engine felt very slightly warm. Chokes on both
> carbs were wide open.
> I kept my foot to the floor and cranked the engine,
> which started slowly then quickly built up rpms. Once
> I let her idle for about a minute then she was fine.
> I drove home with no problems whatever, she idled nice
> and smooth and had smooth peppy acceleration. In
> Drive the idle is a bit low but when I shift to
> Neutral she idles pretty fast. Engagement to Drive is
> nice and gentle.
> This morning when she was cold, she started but very
> slowly; it took a bit of time to reach fast idle.
> Before I put my hands on the car, she always started
> easily( but idled roughly).
> I admit that when I tuned her up yesterday I adjusted
> the carbs but not using the 69 Shop Manual. My bad.
> The manual says to lightly seat the idle mixture
> screws, then turn out 3 turns, then adjust curb idle,
> then turn the mixture screws in till you see "roll
> out" or 20-30 rpm decrease, then increase 1/4 turn.
> Can anyone help me? I plan to adjust the carb based
> on the manual tonight, but if anyone has any
> suggestions I'd be happy to hear. I gotta fix this
> before I wear out the starter and battery!
> Thanks! as always to a great group!...Bill H.
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