<VV> Calif Corvair Was: Aluminum Oil Pan Gaskets
Marc Marcoulides
hharpo at earthlink.net
Tue Nov 14 18:58:48 EST 2006
In case anyone wants a 2nd opinion, I have always been happy with parts and service from Jeff at Calif Corvair
-----Original Message-----
>From: LastHamlet <lasthamlet at yahoo.com>
>Sent: Nov 14, 2006 8:08 AM
>To: virtualvairs at corvair.org
>Subject: <VV> Special Aluminum Oil Pan Gaskets
>Hello All,
>I just wanted to tell others in case you have an
>aluminum oil-pan and/or a baffle plate on your Vair.
>California Corvairs has special 'almost asbestos
>looking', very rigid aluminum oil-pan gaskets.(13
>dollars a piece)
>They truly look awesome, and seem to be of good
>quality. However, all the holes did not line up, and
>at least the ones I got are cut crooked on one end.
>Nearly a month ago, upon trying to install them on my
>Vair, I noticed the bolts were in the holes at an
>angle, due to the offset cut holes in the gaskets.(I
>have the Clark's oil-pan and baffle plate which
>requires 2 gaskets.)
>Anyhow, I decided to simulate installation by placing
>the baffle plate over the gaskets, on the bolts that
>come through the pan, with the gaskets in the middle.
>Well, needless to say the gaskets are very rigid(Which
>I like), but in the event of the holes not being in
>the proper places, the gaskets cracked, all in the
>same spot, with one instant snap.
>Oh, no problem I thought, I just sent all 3 of them
>back with a full letter of explaination of the
>circimstances. (Nearly 3 weeks ago, and not a word
>Well, to make a long story short, and this is just my
>opinion, but I am now even more thankful for Clark's
>and Corvair Underground, and a few other select
>I have admittidly gotten several parts from CC, and
>all have been grand. Though, I wonder what would be
>the case if say that Offenhauser oil-pan I got for a
>friend, from them, had been drilled wrong??? Thank
>Goodness it was okay, cause that is nearly 200 bucks.
>Needless to say, I would have been much more upset at
>the loss of that much.
>True, I have some of the worst luck with whatever I am
>doing, but I had nothing to do with the cutting and
>drilling of these gaskets, so this time it was not
>nothing I did wrong.(In cases I have been wrong, I
>swallow the loss, gladly.) Case in point, I actually
>put white lube on my new brake shoes when installing
>them,(I got caught up in the instructions that said to
>lube the friction areas, and well, you guessed it, my
>stupidity prevailed) So, needless to say they had to
>be replaced, and I gladly paid for the next set of
>brake shoes.(As I should have, it was my error.)
>These gaskets, and several other purchases I made,
>form other than Corvair vendors, have been a real
>learning point for me.
>I just wanted to pass that along, so no one else will
>spend more than you should, for something that is not
>yet proven.(By that I mean that seemingly few have
>seen these gaskets.)
>We are all free to shop where we want, but I know I
>just narrowed my field of Vendors that I will purchase
>from, as a result of this and several other issues
>with other vendors of parts.
>All The Best Regards,
>Danny Barber
>67-On Ice for now, But Sill Lives!!!
>Do you Yahoo!?
>Everyone is raving about the all-new Yahoo! Mail beta.
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