<VV> Out of hospital (again)

George Jones georgedjones at gmail.com
Thu Nov 2 09:05:11 EST 2006

Take a bunch of Visene so you can treat your strained eyeballs. Relax and
take it easy. BTW, I got out on Tuesday evening after rotator cuff surgery.
Oxycod is my new best friend.

On 11/1/06, henry kaczmarek <kaczmarek at charter.net> wrote:
> Folks
> Sorry if anyone was expecting replies, I was admitted to hospital (again)
> on Monday PM with chest pain. Heart enzymes negative so no heart attack, but
> adverse reactions from new Angiotensin blocker (no longer on that one) and
> from Beta Blocker for pre-ventricular contractions (that one changed too),
> and now on Nitroglycerin transdermal to keep angina symptoms down.  Lost 10
> lbs in 3 days too. Amazing how having the bejeezus scared out of you works
> on you, and the absolutely foul hospital food. (diabetic/cardiac diet--UGH)
> Just got out late tonight.
> Leaving CLT for FL on Sat PM for 7 day cruise out of Port Lauderdale, so
> I'll be checking my e-mail on the ship, but no replies or
> blogging---Internet time on board cruise ships is expensive!!! and there's
> better things to do.
> Regards to all
> Hank
> _______________________________________________

George Jones
Tidewater Corvair Club
Central Virginia Corvair Club
'65 Monza Crown V8 Convertible   http://www.cardomain.com/ride/2397326
'66 Monza Coupe (Custom)

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