<VV> Highrise air cleaner
levair at aol.com
levair at aol.com
Tue May 23 13:01:18 EDT 2006
Who said antything about a STOCK motor?
The original air cleaners need no alterations to work on a stock motor.
My experiment was on an engine with large bore race prepped carbs, Isky Cam , . big exh. and headers.
Tested by back to back tests,, the restriction was the turn into the top of the carbs.
-----Original Message-----
From: Dan & Synde <dsjkling at sbcglobal.net>
To: TimogensTurbo at aol.com
Cc: Virtual Vairs Submission <virtualvairs at corvair.org>
Sent: Tue, 23 May 2006 08:44:21 -0700
Subject: Re: <VV> Highrise air cleaner
I guess I should have put my earlier comment in context. On a relatively
stock motor with unbored carbs, I can't see how adding a 1" spacer could
make much difference. Sure, if you hog out the carbs and do other things to
run at higher rpms or run a larger displacement, then modification of the
stock air cleaner would probably be necessary.
GM didn't add a swaybar to the front of the 62-63 because it cost I believe
$5 more and required more time to install. The 1" spacers probably wouldn't
have cost near that much but if GM could have advertised that their engine
put out more hp or torque, I think they would have jumped at it for a measly
$1 or less. My contention still is that if it did increase engine
performance for the stock motor and was that cheap, GM would have done it.
Dan Kling
1961 Greenbrier Deluxe, 4spd, 3.89 On the Road Again, yeehaw :)
1963 Spyder, restored 4spd Saginaw
1967 Ultravan #299 Newest of the herd!! Almost killed me already!!
A few pictures of the Greenbrier, UltraVan, engine and tranny tear down with
more to come!
> Lot of seat of the pants hot air... here, folks....
> ***********************************************************************
>From FastVairs files: March 27, 2000
> Years ago on a street car I used the stock air cleaner set up on LARGE
>BORED CARBS ON A HOT RODDED ENGINE. Something was restricting. I tried all
>the tricks: cutting the snouts off--dumb move. Turning the lid over,
>the filter, etc. Nothing helped. I then spaced the 90 degree turn down
>the air arms enter the carbs another inch higher above the carbs with
>aluminum tubing.. This fixed it
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