<VV> Building the "Ultimate Road Travel Engine"?
Frank DuVal
corvairduval at cox.net
Sun May 21 23:09:54 EDT 2006
If it was Smitty, I would add a spare crankshaft and bearings to the list!!
Carb stud removal has not been a problem for me, always carry vise-grips
in the tool box. Or you can use two nuts you just removed from the carb.
Then again, I never changed a head on the road.
Carry harmonic balancer and tool that allows removal without lowering
engine. This is a real time saver.
Frank DuVal
TimogensTurbo at aol.com wrote:
>This is NOT the Greatest $$$ Engine...this is what would you build, and how
>would you change things for easy repair on the road? Think about things that
>are a real pain / time consumer....requires a special tool, etc.
>1 I would use a 95 HP engine....tolerates heat and runs on regular.
>2 I would make sure the pistons were "full floating wristpins" for easy
>piston replacement.
>3 I would use BOLTS on the carbs...not the studs that need to be removed to
>clear the body.
>4 I would use one of the "replaceable" fan bearing units, with the shroud cut
>to allow fan removal without removing the carbs, alt., etc. Time saver! [ cut
>a square 14-16" around the fan....lay a strap of metal underneath, pop rivet
>and then screw the square to the strap].
>5 I would carry ONE spare head, as it's a real time consumer to get a seat
>repaired...and then you may not get the quality install needed for
>reliability....also negates the problem of a valve guide failure...
>6 I would carry a spare fuelpump..mech. or electric.....quick and easy
>7 If Ignition is any kind of electronics....spares! Just like a spare set of
>What am I overlooking?
>Matt Nall
>stocker, mod, v8, turbo, boat, Sandcar
>Timogen was a softy!
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