<VV> Re: [VV-talk] Moonshine for SUVs!
Tony Underwood
tonyu at roava.net
Wed May 17 15:47:21 EDT 2006
At 08:51 hours 05/16/2006, airvair wrote:
>Quite simply, what I meant by "energy sink" is that it takes more energy
>to make than you get out of it. I didn't mean that SOMEone SOMEwhere
>wouldn't make money doing PART of the process.
Yep. And a lot of money is made in the process... which ticks off
the state revenue board which doesn't get their cut; therein lies the
problem. ;)
>The problem with anything that's an energy sink is simple: where are you
>going to get the extra energy to get it, and why would you be so
>wasteful? Ultimately, energy sinks are just not worth the bother,
I understand this completely; it's another reason I cannot understand
why the oil fields in ANWR and the central/north USA aren't being
exploited now that the costs of ~<40 bucks a barrel to recover the
stuff there is considerably cheaper than the cost we're paying OPEC
now. When crude was 30 bucks/barrel, those tar sands were regarded
as too expensive... but this has changed.
But those nitwits in DC for some reason refuse to allow it to be
tapped. Instead, we keep hearing about alky additives
instead. What the Hell is THAT noise about? Why not divorce
ourselves from OPEC completely and use our own resources instead of
continuing to funnel OUR money out of country for imported oil that
costs US *More* than our own crude in our own back yard would cost?
>While oil was easily obtainable, it was practical. But sooner or later,
>fossil fuel WILL become an energy sink.
...that time is a ways down the road just yet. There's enough oil
within our own borders and off our coast lines to last the USA at
current consumption for (according to the oil experts) at least 50
years. That's a big window to allow development of alternative
energy sources.
>Which is why we need alternative
>energy sources that are NOT energy sinks. Otherwise, we'll just be
>digging ourselves into an ever deepening energy crisis, with
>skyrocketing costs and less and less of it available. Ultimately, we'll
>end up rubbing two sticks together for the energy.
...which seems to be *Exactly* what the wacko environmentalist Left
wants to have happen...
As long as there's someone on the planet somewhere who's *not* living
high on the hog, *WE* in the USA don't deserve to be prosperous or
profitable or enjoy our lives or pastimes. Quick, we must recycle
our cars into bicycles and destroy all of our weapons and disband the
military and return to the land for a living and be conquered by some
3rd world power.
Oops... aren't we already headed that way as we speak...! ?
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