Gas Mileage - was<VV> RE: Running on regular
FrankCB at
FrankCB at
Tue May 9 14:58:52 EDT 2006
V V ers,
Let's get back to basics. In my area, Premium fuel (93-94 RON) costs
only 20 cents more than Regular gas (87 RON). If regular is $ 3 a galon that
means premium is $ 3.20 an increase of only SEVEN percent! As soon as you
start retarding the ignition timing you will LOSE at least that much in miles
per gallon as well as in performance!!!! Is it really worth it???
There are a number of ways to increase mileage to help offset the rising
price of gasoline. The most obvious is to drop highway speed down to the
speed limit. It takes a lot more energy to push the car at 75mph compared to
60 mph due to the BIG increase in wind resistance. The other ways of saving
gas are more subtle. Minimize use of the brakes. Every time you brake, you
are throwing away gas money by converting the momentum energy of the car into
waste heat. The guy who gets 100,000 miles on a set of brakes is getting good
gas mileage.
The way to minimize braking is by "anitcipatory driving" as the Prez of
our local club puts it. Plan ahead so that by the time you reach that red
light it has turned green. So many times I am in the slow lane of the highway
driving at the speed limit and drivers are PASSING ME in the exit lane where
they will soon jam on their brakes for a red light or a stop sign. As part
of this, allow a large distance between you and the car in front of you.
That way, when he suddenly jams on his brakes to make a turn or to change lanes
or because his kid bounced something off his head, you can simply take your
foot off the gas instead of jamming on your brakes.
Try leaving for work 10 minutes EARLY instead of 10 minutes LATE.
Taking the time pressure off can do a lot to increase gas mileage.
And on Corvairs, make sure that the vacuum advance is working correctly
on your distributor. When I converted from pressure retard to vacuum advance
on my 180, my mileage increased 22% on the same drive back and forth to work
every day. Plus the car was much more responsive in part throttle driving
in traffic.
Frank "the frugal" Burkhard
In a message dated 5/7/2006 5:17:35 PM Eastern Standard Time,
deltainc at writes:
----- Original Message -----
From: "Steven R. Marti" <srmarti at>
Subject: <VV> RE: Running on regular
> <snip>
> There was a thread last week about how to make a 110 run on regular. > I
found the timing at 4 deg BTDC. When I moved it up to 14 deg the engine
> smoothed out and and sped up.> Steve Marti
sounds about right... on my '66 110 4sp 3.55 streeter I can run Iowa Ethanol
( 89 pump sticker ) with just an occasional ping if I twist my distributor
to 8 degrees no vacuum.
runs smooth, no backfires but is flat on top end (g) , turns about 85 mph
tops on level road, & reads 88 horses on my G-Whiz gadget.
Just some trivia .. ken campbell, iowa guy.
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