<VV> front wheel camber
Bernie Livengood
bernielivengood2001 at yahoo.com
Tue May 9 00:38:14 EDT 2006
I've done numerious alignments over 45+ yrs on early
and late corvairs using mechanical and electronic
machines. I've had to shim numerious late models
upper "A" frame attach points to get enough travel of
the lower cam for proper camber and be all but maxed
out. It's nowhere near the norm, but has to be done on
rare occassions. And this after doing an alignment
body drop check for straightness. Bernie
--- Frank DuVal <corvairduval at cox.net> wrote:
> Check to see if anyone previously installed
> alignment shims on the upper
> control arm bushing rod. Lates do not use shims
> here, only earlies. Also
> check the upper control arm bushings and upper ball
> joint for noticeable
> wear.
> Difficult, but see if crossmember is bent.
> Frank DuVal
> robert guerin wrote:
> >I just replaced my lower ball joint on the the left
> front of my 65 corsa and I can't get the camber that
> the sepc's call for.Which is positive 1 degree plus
> or minus 1/2 degree within 1/2 of other wheel.
> >The right wheel looks about right bubble on the
> positive side about 3/32nds. I've got the cam max.
> on the left and can't get positive (about 1/4 in.
> neg.)
> >I really don't know what it was before I replaced
> the ball joint.Hope someone has some ideas about
> this problem.
> >
> >Thanks Inadvance
> >Robert Guerin
> >65 corsa conv.
> >64 deluxe greenbrier
> >
> >
> >
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