<VV> shifter stabilizing rod

monza63mo at peoplepc.com monza63mo at peoplepc.com
Thu May 4 19:48:57 EDT 2006

If it's not one thing, it's another!  


I've been fighting with the shifter adjustment for 3 evenings now.  Tonight I decided that the stabilizing rod rubber bushings should be replaced while I'm fighting this battle and it would give me more room to remove the coupler.  Well, it gave me plenty of room alright because the rod busted at the threads the instant I wrenched on it.


Anyway <sigh>  :-(


The up side to this event is that I think I managed to get the shifter adjusted to where I now have all 4 forward gears and reverse.  I won't know for sure until I can road test it but I'm hesitant to try without the stabilizer.


Instead of another week of down time waiting on parts delivery, I'm thinking I could fabricate a replacement with threaded stock and shock absorber bushings.  I guess it sounds "Jerry rigged" when I see myself type it but I thought I'd run it past you gurus to get your insights.



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